Hi there. It’s been a hot minute. We’re still alive and kicking. Read on to see what we’ve been up to over the first three months of 2023.

Blazing a Trail Towards Financial Independence
Blazing a Trail Towards Financial Independence
Hi there. It’s been a hot minute. We’re still alive and kicking. Read on to see what we’ve been up to over the first three months of 2023.
Welp, it’s been two months since the last post. Sorry, time got away from me. We’ve just been busy over here fighting a civil war over whether to save more, or to focus on lifestyle optimization.
tjb0233@sbcglobal.netWho has two thumbs and lost their shirt in the stock market in September!
This guy!
You kids want to see a dead body? Come on in for the gruesome details.
tjb0233@sbcglobal.netAugust was a month with less than half our income. How did we get on? Come on in and see for yourself!
tjb0233@sbcglobal.netWell hello there! How was your July? Ours was… eventful. Come on in and read up on the deets.
tjb0233@sbcglobal.netWhoa! We’re halfway there! Whaoohh! ’22 is on a tear!
Wow… that was bad. Kind of like our financial performance in June. Read on for a short, and not-so-sweet summary!