Credit card rewards are a great way to travel the world at a discount or earn cash back from your normal spending habits. While it’s nice to earn points or miles as you spend, the largest benefit comes from card sign up bonuses. My wife and I both met our bonuses on our Chase Sapphire cards earlier this year and now I am on the hunt for a new card. Read along if you are interested in getting inside my head while I evaluate the options.
[Read more…] about Which Rewards Credit Card is Right for Me?Travel Rewards
Net Worth Update 11: Free Fallin’
Happy Halloween! Another month is in the books. October was much kinder to my psyche than September… But how did our finances fare? [Read more…] about Net Worth Update 11: Free Fallin’
Over 50% of Americans Don’t Use Their Vacation. Don’t be one of them!
***Extremely Mickey Mouse voice*** – Hi Kids! Today’s Mousekatool is Paid Vacation
I am fresh off of our first full week vacation in 2 years. While we’ve taken a few long weekend trips, we haven’t had a full week off during this time. We took our daughters to Disney World (geez… could you tell?) and we all had a great time and created many memories that won’t soon be forgotten.
My wife and I have already started discussing our next vacation! I think we can all get behind more vacation, right?
Well, the answer is apparently a big fat NO.
As I have been reflecting on the week gone by, I recalled an article I had read that stated that roughly 52% of Americans don’t use their paid vacation.
Let that sink in.
Your boss is willing to pay you money… to not show up for work. And we say, “No Thanks” more than half the time!
[Read more…] about Over 50% of Americans Don’t Use Their Vacation. Don’t be one of them!
How to Move Up the Credit Score Leaderboard
[Read more…] about How to Move Up the Credit Score Leaderboard