I am tracking our financial progress on a monthly basis and you can follow along below.
I think its important for you, the reader, to understand why I am posting this information. It is certainly not to brag… I expect half of you think “wow that’s a lot of money” while the other half thinks “that’s pocket change”.
First and foremost, I want to give you a chance to make your own decision as to whether the words I am throwing out there are just mumbo jumbo or if they are, in fact, useful information.
Secondly, as this blog develops and we get further down the road towards financial independence I will likely be trying different investment and savings strategies. Tracking our net worth and portfolio value will help paint a comprehensive picture of how successful or unsuccessful these attempts are.
Lastly, I think personal finances are not talked about near as much as they should be. I get that it can be a very touchy subject. But with little financial education provided in the conventional education system… how are people supposed to learn? Overall, I feel that we, as a society, could do one another a great service by finding a way to get past our embarrassment and timidness to openly discuss our own finances.
So follow along and see for yourself!