August came and August went. And with it, I now have a child in Kindergarten! What a mind job! While I begin to adjust to yet another reminder that I am getting old, let’s take a step back and dissect the month that was.
Smart Spending
5 Keys to Making Restaurant Quality BBQ at Home
I love Barbecue. I can’t get enough of it. The heat of the coals, the wisp of thin white smoke lazily rising from the smoker, the hint of smoke wood-tinged air, and of course the mahogany-colored meat itself! A great a plate of ribs makes Daddy happy!
The problem is, a plate of good “Que”, can stick you with a sizable tab if you always get it at a restaurant. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
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2018 Spending – Mid Year Checkup
We’ve reached the halfway point of 2018 and I thought it would informative to check in on our monthly spending thus far. [Read more…] about 2018 Spending – Mid Year Checkup
Meal Planning for Your Body and Budget
Last year we paid down over $56,000 in debt. One of the biggest areas of savings for us was reducing our spending on food. So, what did we do, just eat rice and beans?
If anything, we ate higher quality food than the previous year. Meal planning made it possible to slash spending without sacrificing flavor.
5 Ways to Save this Summer!
Summer is here! The pools are filled, the sunscreen is out, the tomatoes are turning red, and the solstice is upon us!

Besides Summer being a great time to have fun in the sun, there are some unique opportunities for savings. Here’s 5…
Can You Save Big on Insurance? Here’s How to Find Out!
Insurance. You know you need it. But can you save big bucks by getting competitive quotes? I decided I to find out for myself…
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