Well hello there! How was your July? Ours was… eventful. Come on in and read up on the deets.
You can check the latest and greatest info on the Track Our Progress page.
First, the numbers:
Net Worth:
- End of July Balance: $1,052,248 Up $79,593
- Year to Date (YTD): Down $12,470 (-1.2%)
- Since January 2018 (this is when I started tracking our net worth): Up $747,248
- End of July Balance: $814,131 Up $77,589
- YTD: Down $60,129 (-6.9%)*
- Since January 2018: Up $574,131*
*All numbers above include contributions and are not indicative of investment returns.
Hey! We are back in the double comma club again! Whoo-hoo!
July Highlights
Quarantine Part Deux
Up until now, we’ve been extremely fortunate to avoid anyone coming down with Covid.
We’ve been trying to catch up with everyone recently.
Mrs. HOF came down with it after a trip in May, putting the house into a weeklong lock down. Remarkably, no one else was positive. Well in July when our oldest spiked a fever and flunked a test. Hence another week of quarantine. Again, no one else came down with it. Either we are really good at isolating and hygiene, or… we’ve all had it before and didn’t know. I’d put money on the latter.
Needless to say, we had a little cabin fever and I hope the remaining two of us can stay clear.
Mrs. HOF’s new gig
The big news in July was that Mrs. HOF changed jobs!
I mentioned recently that she got a promotion at work, which is true. Her group was in a tricky position. Her company is moving away from the software she supported which would ultimately result in her group’s positions being eliminated.
Folks started looking around and her boss took another job. In doing so, she was promoted to her boss’s position. This entailed a decent wage and bonus bump. It also included management responsibilities with direct reports and a lot more meetings.
And this is where things got a bit crazy.
The company that recruited her boss turned their sights on Mrs. HOF and pursued her heavily. In the end, they matched her salary and bonus structure, while she essentially retained her responsibilities prior to her recent promotion. All that, plus a job with long term prospects, was too much to pass up.
Way to go Mrs. HOF!!
Coming Up in August
We headed to the Smokies for the first long duration RV trip at the beginning of August, which is why this post is delayed. Come back next month for some photos/highlights from that trip.
Additionally, since Mrs. HOF doesn’t start her new job until the beginning of September, we are hoping to wrap up the bathroom remodel. The bathroom is currently in the very dangerous position of being functional, but not finished. If you want to know how renovations can take forever, you remove the pressure of not being able to use it and watch it tumble down the priority list from “must” do to “should do”.
Lastly, the kids will be starting school back up at the end of the month. Seems like summer just started though?
Thanks for reading.